Paintings, Prints & Drawings
The art collection consists of around 25,000 paintings, prints and drawings showcasing a visual encyclopaedia of London
Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation
The Kray Twins: Notorious east London gangsters
Dangerous and famous in the Swinging Sixties
Art & Design
Art & Design
Thomas Rowlandson’s satirical London drawings
Laughing at life in the 18th and 19th century
Death & Disasters
Death & Disasters
Who was publicly executed in London?
Thirteen tales of the cooks, rebels, bankers and king who died in front of a watching crowd
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
Oliver Twist: 21/24, Sykes attempting to destroy his dog (etching)
Cruikshank, George, Bentley, Richard
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
Coloured engraving
Townsend's Quarterly Selection of Parisian Costumes