Contact us
Got a question for us? Use our form below to get in touch.
We aim to respond within five working days. Anything needing more specialised expertise to do with our collections can take up to 20 working days.
If it's urgent, please call our switchboard on 020 7001 9844.
Frequently asked questions
Before you use our form, you might find the answer to your question below.
We're not currently accepting object donations while we focus on getting the collections ready for our new museum. This includes digital objects such as photographs or films.
We'll only be accepting new objects in exceptional cases while we undertake this essential work, which we've already identified.
We realise this may be disappointing, but we hope you understand the reasons for our decision.
You can find out how to contact our security team at London Museum Docklands on our need to know page.
We unfortunately can't carry out research that doesn't relate to our collections, like personal family history.
You might find the answer to your question on our ticketing info page. If not, please use our form below and select "Ticketing" from the drop-down.
For ticket sales over the phone or urgent enquiries, please contact the Box Office on 020 7030 3300. Phone lines are open Monday–Friday at 9.30am – 1.30pm & 2.30–5pm.
You might find the answer to your question about visiting London Museum Docklands on our need to know page. If not, please use our form below.