Georgian (1714 – 1830)
Explore objects, stories and blogs connected to life in Georgian London, when Britain was ruled by kings George I, II, III and IV.
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
"Ah me," she cried, and sinking on the ground (engraving)
Stothard, Thomas, Skelton, W.
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
"Brother John and I", the Polite Grocers of the Strand; Aaron & John Trim, the Polite Grocers of No. 449 in the Strand; Disappearing London; Pepys' House, Spring Gardens; Essex Street; Advice Column; Charing Cross (engraving & newspaper cutting)
Hogg, Alex, Kirby, R.S.
1805-05-01; 1808-07-01
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
"To the memory of Henry Priestman Esq., Comander in Chief of a Squadron of Ships of War in the Reigne of King Charles IId. . ." (engraving)
Cole, Benjamin
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
"What ho! does the Devil arrive? then we needs must get on" (etching)
Landseer, Thomas, Moon, Boys & Graves, Pieri Benard
1827; 1827-12-01
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
"Ye roaring Blades who nightly rove . . ." (engraving)
Gillray, James
C. 1750
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
'A hot pudding, a pudding, a hot pudding.' (watercolour and ink drawing)
Sandby, Paul
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
'A Scene at the Harp Tavern, Jermyn Street', 'The Late Mr. Ephraim Bond', 'London Hotels', 'The Infamous Play World'. (newspaper cutting)
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
'All fire and no smoke, a very good flint or a very good steel, do you want a good flint.' (etching)
Sandby, Paul
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
'Any Tripe or Neats feet or calves feet...' (etching)
Sandby, Paul
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
'Do you want any spoons, any hard-mettle spoons...' (etching)
Sandby, Paul
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
'Four Corners' played at the Swan, Chelsea (engraving)
Bowles and Carver
Paintings, Prints & Drawings
'Fun upon fun, or the first and second part of Mrs Kitty Fisher...' (etching)
Sandby, Paul