Death & Disasters
Death & Disasters

Who was publicly executed in London?

Thirteen tales of the cooks, rebels, bankers and king who died in front of a watching crowd

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

Mapping London’s execution landscape

In central London, you’re never further than 5km from a known site of execution

Death & Disasters
Death & Disasters

Relics of King Charles I’s execution

Is this what the king wore on his final day?

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

London’s public executions

Hung, drawn and quartered. Beheaded, boiled or burned

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

Horsemonger Lane Jail

Where rooftop executions became a violent Southwark spectacle

Politics & Society
Politics & Society

Guy Fawkes & the Gunpowder Plot

The explosive plan that gave us Bonfire Night

Royalty & Aristocracy
Royalty & Aristocracy

Why Charles I was executed

A tale of religion and Parliament which ends abruptly in 1649

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

The history of London's Newgate Prison

London’s longest-running prison was home to high-profile criminals, common thieves and the condemned

Royalty & Aristocracy
Royalty & Aristocracy

Oliver Cromwell: The man who could have been king

Cromwell’s victories in the Civil Wars took him to the very top

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

Jack Sheppard: An 18th-century working class hero

How one young criminal became a working class hero by escaping London prisons four times.