Food & Diet
Food & Diet

Syd’s Coffee Stall

For 100 years, Londoners could rely on this Shoreditch institution

Politics & Society
Politics & Society

How Charles Booth mapped London poverty

And showed the complexity of social class in the late 19th century

Death & Disasters
Death & Disasters

Tower Hamlets Cemetery

Known locally as Bow Cemetery and the last of London’s Magnificent Seven cemeteries to be built

Politics & Society
Politics & Society

The Battle of Cable Street

An East End victory over fascism

Immigration & Identity
Immigration & Identity

Limehouse: London’s first Chinatown

The Chinese communities who lived in this pocket of the East End

Health & Disease
Health & Disease

Joseph Merrick: 'The Elephant Man'

The life of a Victorian Whitechapel resident made famous because of his physical disabilities

Immigration & Identity
Immigration & Identity

The Jewish East End

How Spitalfields and Whitechapel offered new lives to thousands fleeing persecution

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

The Kray Twins: Notorious east London gangsters

Dangerous and famous in the Swinging Sixties

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

Jack the Ripper

How the murders of five women birthed an infamous East End crime story