Our buyer profile

The London Museum is the operational name of The Board of Governors of the Museum of London and comprises of:

  • London Museum Spaces at London Wall
  • London Museum Docklands on West India Quay
  • London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre in London Museum Stores, Hackney

We are registered with the Charity Commission (as Museum of London) and our charity number is 1139250.

Our main funders are the City of London and the Greater London Authority. We also are funded by a variety of organisations and individuals.

UK procurement legislation

The Museum operates as a sub-central body under the remit of relevant UK procurement regulations which as of 24 February 2025 is the Procurement Act 2023 and its subsequent Procurement Regulations 2024 which regulates the purchasing by public sector bodies of contracts for goods, works or services. The regulations are designed to promote fairness and transparency whilst offering guidance on how the Museum should approach the market.

Local rules

Procurement activities must also comply with the London Museum’s financial regulations and procurement policy. These are the London Museum’s own internal rules that govern its operations.

Terms and Conditions of contract

If you received a purchase order from the London Museum pursuant to the terms of a standing contract between you and the London Museum, the terms of that contract shall apply.

Where no such contract exists, in accepting the order you agree that the sole terms and conditions to the order shall be as per the Conditions of Purchase (Goods and Services) by the London Museum below.

Contact the team

Please get in touch with our Procurement team with any questions or comments on [email protected]